Welcome to The Global Missionary, an international nonprofit sharing the Gospel and planting churches worldwide. Together with your support, we are reaching new people every day.

We operate solely from your generous donations, using those funds to plant churches and equip pastors in Southeast Asia.

Our past work has taken us to Thailand, Myanmar and southern China. Currently, we're focusing on sharing the Gospel in Nepal through a Bible training center and a children's home.

The Global Missionary is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation registered in the state of Washington and recognized by the IRS. All donations are tax deductible.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

En route

Friends and Family,
In lieu of a newsletter, this month, I send you a letter, greeting you with the love of Christ as Paul used to greet his own friends and family. 
As I write this, I’m sitting at the airport, waiting to board a plane to Nepal with a joy in my heart at seeing the country that is becoming a home away from home. 
I love the colors, the smells, the food, but mostly I love the chance to visit and spend time with the people, especially the 24 children who call Abba House Children’s Home their home. It is through your generous support that they have a safe place to live rather than the street or even worse. And yes, in Nepal, there is worse. 
These are children created by God with purpose, just as each of us has been created for His purpose. These boys and girls have dreams and goals, and The Global Missionary wants to see them fulfill those goals in Christ. 
I also love the chance to meet with the current church planters and evangelists who are studying Biblical foundations at our Bible training center in Kathmandu. Their joy at the struggle that awaits them is a building block in my own faith, for I know that once they take their message to the countryside, they will meet persecution and rejection. 
With a population that is more than 95 percent non-Christian, it gives me great hope to know that we are making a difference through the lives that we are reaching, and with our plans for a field-training program — literally taking Bible courses to the Nepali borders — I know that God will bless our adventures. 
During our trip — my 11-year-old son, who raised his own funds for this trip, is traveling with me — we ask for your prayers of safety and protection. We go with God and know that while in His hands, we have nothing to fear. 
Thank you again for all you do to support our critical work in Nepal. In His name,

1 comment:

  1. May God grant you peace, protection and success in His name on this journey.
